For what reason do creatures become wiped out?

Since the time creatures have developed species keep on getting wiped out. The most notable illustration of wiped out species is that of the dinosaurs. Regularly the species can't change sufficiently quick to the changing ecological conditions, or new species emerge and dislodge the current ones. Today, numerous species are turning out to be wiped out in light of the activities of people. Elephants, enormous felines, and rhinos are pursued mercilessly, backwoods territories are cleared, and the; dim whales are jeopardized. These are a couple of the animal varieties referenced in the 'Red List'. On a positive note, new creature species are additionally being found. For what reason are elephants pursued? Elephants are pursued for their tusks. These are made of ivory and were utilized to make adornments sold at exorbitant costs. Numerous elephants were gone for their tusks, and even today they must be shielded from poachers in natural life parks. Different creatures are addi...